Provides a framework for creating Building Manuals and generating User Manuals;
Dictates the format of the Building Manual to get consistency across developments;
Collates and curates record information in one central location;
The most current O&M information is always available. Distributes up-to-date content on the fly;
Lets many users all contribute to the Building Manual and the User Manuals;
Enables different types of users to access on a read-only basis or as contributing editors;
Hold all the latest up-to-date certification and record information about your properties in one location;
Distribute on-the-fly the information your maintainers and occupiers;
CDM: Easily pass the information on to new owners;
Access your client's property information from anywhere;
Readily accessible and navigable - no guessing where the information is hiding;
Access useful and always up to date information about their property;
Online access so no loss of paperwork;
Browse, access and edit all the record information for all your properties.
Get Started NowManage the content, output and access to every building manual. As contributing editors build the framework, comment on input from others and marshall distribution from one page. As administrators, manage users and their access priveledges.
Multi-level sign-in with two factor authentication as standard. Making sure access is controlled and your information secured from prying eyes.
An extensive dashboard for every manual helps you see how far developed any given building manual is during its creation.
All the manual attachments are available within each section of the manual, not buried deep in an appendix with an inpenetrable index. Makes for more fluid reading.
Help to explain things to your readership, with unlimited use of photos in all parts of your manuals, making it easier for readers to digest content. Especially useful for occupiers. Quick and context-specific familiarisation.
Keeping track of all the relevant reference numbers, readings, locations and fuel types made easy. Permanent and ongoing record keeping made accessible to all.
Asset Registers and Warranty Registers provided for every manual and disseminated on the fly to all user manuals. Makes for easy access for future asset management and for immediate needs of warranty registration and regular maintenance.
Quickly access all your property information in any convenient form from anywhere.
Just reach out if you want to know more. Contact us via the databahn website.
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